Monday, September 8, 2014

One Habit at a Time!

Usually, the Fiacco girls have very healthy habits. We eat mostly organic, rarely eat fast food, and make good choices when do we eat out. We are active - karate, ballet, gymnastics, tennis, and plenty of bike riding and park playtime. 

But, there is something to be said about the words that come out of the "mouth of babes." As we load into the car after Monday morning karate, the first words out of Phoebe's mouth are, "Donuts now?" 

Granted, the karate studio is behind the local donut shop, but the view is obscured and, unless my smart little girls recognized it by the dumpster in the back (not likely, although that's were we like to eat... I joke), as far as they know, it's a far drive away. Then, it dawns on me; we have fallen into the habit of getting post-karate donuts now for a few weeks. And, I'm not going to lie, a sugary fried confection is sounding good about now.

Great. I didn't mean to do this to us - and I certainly do not boycott the occasional donut - but habits sneak up on us like warts. We usually don't notice them until they are sitting ugly on the end of our noses.

Time for a change! I had to gas up our truck anyways, so it was off to the gas station instead. Probably not the best place for food, but at least they had protein and granola bars. I grabbed a few bottles of good ol' H2O, a few bars (of the healthier variety), and it was off the the local trail. Get this... the trail head is only another 3 blocks away. Yeah, 3 blocks! No excuses!

The girls we a bit skeptical at first. "Mommy, what are we doing in the sun?" (We may, or may not like to stay inside a lot.) But, a few caterpillars and some butterflies later, and we were into it! We saw lots of dogs, a few squirrels (one dead... yeah, I had to have that conversation with my 3 year old today), and some beautiful flowers. About the time I had to take off my shoes and walk in socks (new Chucks are not the best for long-distance walking), they were out and I felt great! No donut dreams, no sugar cravings.

We plan to do it again by the end of the week, though we will do it earlier in the day to avoid that "hot sun." I will bring our organic, essential oil based bug spray again (good thing I did! Talk about mosquitoes!) and I'll remember to wear comfortable shoes. I might even pack fruit instead, but, you know... one habit at a time.

Finally, the morning ended with lunch, and nothing warms up a tired, empty tummy like roasted carrots and chicken noodle soup. The soup, an organic, canned variety, was (obviously) not homemade. The carrots, however, were simple and delicious.


First, I preheated the oven to 425 degrees.

Then, I quartered approx 8oz of organic baby carrots.

Drizzled with about 2 teaspoons of olive oil, a few grinds of sea salt, 1/2 teaspoon of poppy seeds and 1/4 teaspoon of curry. I would have used more curry if I had eaten it by myself, but the girls don't like too much spice.

Finally, just a quick toss, put the lid on the little pot, and I slid it in the oven for 20 minutes

If you try this, I hope you enjoy! I like my carrots a little "al dente," so if you like them soft, leave them in a bit longer.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Summer Happenings Thus Far...

Summer Solstice; Our Season of Satisfaction

You know how it goes, right? Another school year bites the dust and summer beckons with swirling scents of fried fair foods, coconut sunscreen, and freedom. Then, the activities roll in and the schedule fills. We've rationed our energy like seasoned pros, but even I have my limits when it comes to saying "no." Play dates are abundant, the splash pads and pools open, karate and dance continue without break, even the gymnastics studio offers summer fun classes. Not to mention birthday parties (those never end), summer vacations (Colorado, here we come!), and chasing bugs around the yard (this includes picking ticks from the dog... not our favorite summer activity). Don't get me wrong, the abundance of action keeps us on our toes -- and keeps the juicer running (fresh cucumber-apple-lemon, anyone?) but my goal is to take time to breath and grow without being "on the go." Good thing today was just the first day of summer! 

The biggest (and best) summer-filling time-eater thus far has been Vacation Bible School. Phoebe gets to grow in her love of people, play with kids, learn about God and weird animals (the theme), and enjoy the structure she always craves. Plus, I'm not going to lie, having three hours at the dawn of each day for a week of single-child bliss has been a reprieve on my nerves. If only I could get her involved in more sessions of VBS. Alas, very few offer for children as young as three.

We made the most of it while it lasted... then, onto the main event...

Crown Point Food and Arts Festival! 
Watermelon? Check.

Corn? Check.

Oh... what did Lola and I do while Phoebe learned about God and weird animals? We chilled at the Library. A lot. Like, every day. Not only did mommy get a lot of reading done this week, but the Lols found a new favorite game on the computer when she wasn't pulling DVDs off the shelf. Mommy is tired of that game

 Summer will fill -- case in point, we leave for Colorado for a week on Friday -- but we'll savor each day. We'll go to movies in the park at dusk, take beach days, go camping, hit up the county fair, and ride our bikes to garage sales. But, the thing that will make this summer supreme is waking together and resting together, dancing together and discovering together. As a family, we will concur!

The adventures continue... more to come!

Stroller Identifying!

Yo Ho, Yo Ho, A Distinctive Sign for Me!

A quick shout out to our friends, the Carter's, who are currently on vacation at Disney World! Hope they are able to better find their stroller thanks to this handy-dandy stroller identifying sign. I know how it is -- especially during the busy seasons -- when you get done with a ride (or dinner, or character sightings) and there is a sea of black or neutral toned buggies as far as the magical eye can see. We have orders for more custom signs... of course, when I say "we," I really mean myself, while the girls squeal and play in the background while we listen to Disney music! Keep an eye out for custom orders on Etsy and please let me know if you'd like one in any character and personalized flair! Cheers! (or should I say "ears?" Waka waka)

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Rain, Rain... Thank goodness you aren't snow!

Happy "Almost Spring" to everyone!

Today it is raining and, although it means we have to skip our walk (the temperature isn't very high), we are embracing it by having adventures inside! Phoebe is helping Mom pack some boxes while Lola is playing with the new cups. (These are from Target!)

We are channeling our inner Spring as much as possible with bright colors and lessons about vegetation and outdoor activities. During a brief break in the arctic weather yesterday, we even went for a bike ride, although it will be a while before our legs an keep up!

Soon, we will be settled into our new house and, weather allowing, will be spending our days at the park... which is directly across the street! We may even learn to play tennis in the tennis courts. One thing's for sure, the Shedd Aquarium is on our list of things to do this Spring, so stay tuned for more adventures!

(Mom is promising to post more often, so keep checking back!)

With all our love! xoxo
Phoebe and Lola

Friday, February 7, 2014

A Lot Has Happened!

Well, friends, it has been a long winter so far, but let's see if a few Phoebe and Lola stories can't warm those frozen toes!

First, a few highlights from our vacation to Disney World for Christmas...

We ate some amazing food!        

        ...And played dress up...

We even met some of our favorite friends! 

 Phoebe learned how to swim, with the help of her dad!

Our vacation was a well needed break from the cold. But, before the trip even started, I made a sign for the girl's double stroller. It wasn't so much to mark it as ours and prevent theft - unless someone really wanted a squeaky wheel and the remains of snack food - but it was intended to help identify the otherwise plain stroller that dissolved into the black hole that is "stroller parking!"

Honestly, it was a life saver! 

Even after collapsing the stroller for easy stowing, and plenty of wear-and-tear, it held up for the entire week and now holds a spot in our scrapbook!

 Not only were we able to clearly spot our stroller when lined next to dozens and dozens of others, I received so many compliments on the hand-made sign that I decided to make it the next project for the girl's Etsy shop! Soon, you, too, will be able to purchase a hand-made, waterproof, stroller sign for your next Vacation! They will be available soon, so keep checking back! 

We'll have more stories shortly (of the illustrated variety). In the meantime, stay warm by partaking in many, many hugs! With love, from our family to yours... Phoebe and Lola