Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Book bags to take care of those books which take care of your mind!

"CHECK US OUT" (pun definitely intended) at http://www.etsy.com/shop/PhoebeandLola?ref=si_shop
This month we have a small collection of hand painted book bags for your little ones to use when checking out at the library! As always, purchase includes a printed version of June's story and 100% of profits go directly into Phoebe and Lola's college funds. Thanks and take care of your minds!

Take Good Care (at the Public Library)

Take Good Care (at the Public Library)

Toward the end of spring, just as summer was knocking on the door, Phoebe and Lola were stuck inside during yet another rainy day. It was thought best by everyone to take the first opportunity, once the clouds held off their downpour long enough, to get out of the house.Seeing as how the girl’s reading material had been used up and repeated over the last few days, the decision was made to head to the library.

First, Phoebe lead Lola into the reading room where a new teacher read them a book about opposites. They learned about little and big, about many and few. They listened quietly and said “Thank you” when they were done.

Next, Lola followed Phoebe into the children’s section of the library.

“Shhh,” Phoebe said to Lola. “We have to use our inside voices!”

Lola giggled, keeping pace with her sister as they went. When they got there, Phoebe was so excited to see so many fun books to read. She began to pull all the books she wanted to bring home from the shelf, piling them as high as she could reach.

“We can’t check out all of the books from the Library,” Phoebe and Lola’s mom said. “We have to leave some for the other children.”

“But, I want to read them all!” Phoebe exclaimed for she always wants to learn more and more.

“I know you do,” her mother said, “and one day you will. You’ll read and read and read them all up. But, for now, let’s just pick out one for every day this week.”

“That makes seven!” Phoebe told Lola. “We can pick seven books.”

So, she made her pile smaller and when they checked out at the courtesy desk, Phoebe used her very own library card.

“You take care,” the lady behind the counter said.

“Take care of the books?” asked Phoebe.

“Yes,” she replied, “and take care of your minds!”

So the girls put their books in the book bag, and went home to read.